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Pipeline Preservation & Maintenance

Pipeline Preservation & Maintenance

IPEC in cooperation with its international reputable partners provides reservation and maintenance services to keep the pipeline at a suitable integrity level.



We employ Chemical, Mechanical and Gel cleaning means to remove deposits and effluents from the pipeline in order to maximize the pipeline capacity. Also, maintaining corrosion is carried out by releasing corrosion inhibitor into the pipeline. Our cleaning services can be combined where applicable with in-line inspections, providing a single source for equipment, experience and personnel.

IPEC’s highly skilled cleaning specialists determine the correct solutions to meet your needs and then perform the cleaning in a safe, cost-effective manner. Selecting cleaning pigs depending on the pipeline characteristics and running pigs at the correct velocity are important.


Pipeline Isolation

Isolation of pipelines and pipework systems is a key requirement for the maintenance and safe modification of oil, gas and petrochemical infrastructure. As the aspect of safety, it is important to isolate the gas containing pipelines before performing any hot work operation on the pipeline.

IPEC provides a special-designed procedure for safe isolation of pipelines. This isolation method, in addition to being remarkably cost effective, utilizes the simplest possible facilities with the most user-friendly approach that leads to an easy-to-use, fast and affordable technique resulting in a high operational safety condition.


Pipeline Tie-in

After construction and laying of pipeline section, usually a connection called golden joint is needed to be performed between some sections inside the trench or between onshore and offshore sections at landfall.


Pipeline Decommissioning

Pipeline decommissioning or pipeline abandonment which is extensively used for oil and gas pipelines. This operation usually includes a series of steps such as pigging, flushing, filling and plugging of the pipeline. Removal or abandonment is the next step in the process.

IPEC can provide a number of pigging tools and procedures which are effective in the decommissioning of pipelines. We provide services for assessing, reviewing, designing and supplying products and solutions for client’s decommissioning requirements.


Revalidation and Rehabilitation

IPEC expertise enables us to provide a complete package of services enabling our customers to significantly extend the period of safe and reliable operation of their high pressure steel pipelines, to improve and verify the actual level of safety and reliability, to re-confirm the integrity and design factor after a long period of pipeline operation or even to increase the maximum allowed operation pressure in order to increase the transport capacity.


Pipeline Maintenance

The efficient operation of pipelines is crucial to any asset owner and maintaining a clean pipeline not only helps maximize flow rates but increases the longevity of the asset, improves reliability and safety and reduces risk. At IPEC, our experienced pipelines team will ensure your pipelines continue to operate at maximum efficiency with minimal downtime.


IPEC provides a wide range of maintenance and repairing solutions designed to address common problems including:

  • Installation/Replacement of Valves and Fittings
  • Hot Tapping and In-line Welding
  • Manufacturing and Installation of Launchers and Receivers